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Brass band Popsid was founded in 1974. At first, it was an orchestra at the Estonian Agricultural Academy, but at the present time it is the brass band of the University of Tartu.

In 1974, Enno Tubli, a student, was appointed director of the orchestra and he holds this position up to the present day, being the leader and the soul of the orchestra.

Popsid is a cheerful orchestra, it has members from all sorts of different backgrounds and the membership has been changing over the years. Lately, the number of members has started to increase continuously, and in addition to Tartu, we now have an active branch of Popsid in Tallinn. At the moment, there are a total of 50 actively engaged players, both men and women.

Popsid can perform at various events: popular beer festivals, events related to the University of Tartu, opening ceremonies, balls, weddings, etc. Sometimes, we also tour in Estonian towns. A couple of times per year we give a full-length concert introducing our new repertory. An indication of a solid level of playing skills was a competition in April 2005 where Popsid won the first prize and were declared to be Estonia's best student orchestra.

The members of the orchestra get along really well and have an upbeat, sociable attitude, with occasional work and leisure retreats organised now and then.
Once a year, we make a trip to another country, to learn about different and interesting cultures and societies, gain unique experiences, and introduce the cheerful and catchy repertoire of Popsid. For years, we participated at the brass band festivals SOF and STORK in Sweden. 2002 we visited Ukraine, 2003 Denmark, 2004 Solovets Islands and 2005 Belarus ? with success, of course!

The main thing is - it should be fun!
We also love sauna & beer!

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