Tartu Ülikooli Akadeemiline Puhkpilliorkester Popsid (asutatud 1974) on omanäoline ning oma ideid propageeriv kontsert- ja tantsuorkester. Tänaseks mängib orkestris üle viiekümne liikme ning ühtlasi tegutseb Popside Tallinna filiaal. Popsid on andnud kontserte kõigis Eesti suuremates kontsertsaalides, esinetakse nii pidulikel ballidel kui ka erinevatel väliüritustel. Kontsertreisidel on käidud näiteks Poolas, Hollandis, Rootsis, Ukrainas, Venemaal, Valgevenes, Kaliningradis, Taanis, Kreekas, Sloveenias, Moldovas, Tšehhis, Ungaris, Horvaatias. Popsid ei toimi pelgalt muusikat viljeleva kollektiivina, vaid on pigem orkestrantidele elustiiliks: erinevatelt elualadelt inimesed teevad ühtmoodi õhinaga muusikat kui ka naudivad seltsielu ja ühistegevusi. Aastast 2006 olid Popsid mõndaaega ka Kaitseliidu Tartu Maleva Akadeemilise Malevkonna orkester, seikluse mõttes. Aga enam ei ole. Aegade algusest on orkestri juht ja hing olnud Enno Tubli, kelle nakatavalt vaimustavas vaimus jätkab nüüd dirigendina tegus, ent muhedalt mahe Kätlin Virgo ning Popside abidirigendina toimetab elavaloomuline töökas Sirje Vasmann-Perend. Tallinna rakukest juhatab Kristel Marand.
Popsid on välja andnud 5 helikandjat: Veerekese peal (2003), Lambist (2007), Uurik (2010), Käsu peale (2014) ja Kergepinge (2019).
Viimastel aastatel on Popsid tublisti laiendanud oma koosseisu, repertuaari ning vormi.
Pelgalt puhumise kõrvalt annavad orkestrile võimsust ning lisalusti veel basskitarr, rütmigrupp ja võrratud solistid Sirje Vasmann - Perend ja Kristel Marand.
Vahel löövad Popsid tantsugi!
Armastame vihtlemist ja leili!
Popsid, the Academic Brass Orchestra of the University of Tartu, was founded in 1974. Initially, the orchestra belonged to the Estonian Agricultural Academy but has been associated with the University of Tartu more than 10 years. As of 2006, Popsid also serve as the orchestra of the Academic Unit of the Tartu Regional Unit of the Estonian Defence League. Enno Tubli was appointed the director of the orchestra in 1974, being the leader and soul of the orchestra. Since autum 2013 leads the orchestra young and talented Kätlin Virgo with a co-director Sirje Vasmann-Perend and Kristel Marand.
Popsid is a cheerful orchestra, it has members from all sorts of different backgrounds and the membership has been changing over the years. Lately, the number of members has started to increase continuously, and in addition to Tartu, we also have an active branch of Popsid in Tallinn. At the moment, there are a total of 50 actively engaged players, both men and women.
Popsid have given concerts in all major Estonian concert halls; they have performed at popular beer festivals, events related to the University of Tartu, opening ceremonies, balls, weddings, etc. Sometimes, we also tour in Estonian towns. In addition, Popsid have a tradition of annual full-length concerts introducing our new repertory.
Our repertoire encompasses many styles, from interpretations of classical music to folk songs, but most of our music belongs to the category of pop or easy listening. Being an orchestra of the Defence League, we also play many marches and have discovered a more serious side in ourselves.
An indication of a solid level of playing skills was a competition in April 2005 where Popsid won the first prize and were declared to be Estonia's best student orchestra.
The members of the orchestra get along really well and have an upbeat, sociable attitude, with occasional work and leisure retreats organised now and then.
Once a year, we make a trip to another country, to learn about different and interesting cultures and societies, gain unique experiences, and introduce our culture and the cheerful and catchy repertoire of Popsid. For years, we participated at the brass band festivals SOF and STORK in Sweden. We have also visited Russia, Poland, Holland, Ukraine, Denmark, Solovets Islands, Belarus, Kaliningrad, Greece, Moldova, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Cratia - with success, of course!
Popsid have issued four records: Veerekese peal (2003); Lambist (2007); Uurik (2010), Käsu peale (2014), Kergepinge (2019).
The main thing is it should be fun!
We also love sauna & beer!